
赌球网站 serves as a change agent in creating an inclusive environment. This is so students, staff and faculty can engage, support, educate and advocate. The campus provides ways for all to engage in intercultural discussion. 我们还强调 campus organizations that provide services related 多样性的 and inclusion. 我们的 goal is to help everyone celebrate 的ir cultural heritage through diverse programming 培养一种归属感. 在DSU,我们提供有意义的进步项目 多元化教育与文化能力.

赌球网站 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution that does not discriminate on 的 basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, national origin, age, religion, gender identity, creed, marital status, veteran’s status, political belief or affiliation, information protected by 的 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”) or disability in its admissions, student aid, employment 实践、教育项目或其他相关活动. 根据第九条 of 的 Education Amendments of 1972, 赌球网站 does not discriminate on 的 basis of sex in its educational programs, activities, or employment opportunities 根据第九条的要求. 赌球网站遵守的规定 《北达科他州人权法案.

Inquiries concerning Title VI, VII, ADA, ADEA, 第九条, and Section 504 may be referred 要么是

第九条协调员,博士. 凯瑟琳·盖森
狄金森,ND 58601
电话: 701-502-2081电子邮件: dsu.titleix@maukaimakai.com,或到;

平权法案官员Krissy Kilwein
狄金森,ND 58601
电话: 701-502-4304电子邮件: dsu.affirmativeaction@maukaimakai.com,或到;

U.S. 花旗集团中心教育部
电话: 312-730-1560,传真:312-730-1576,TDD: 1-800-877-8339电子邮件: 光学字符识别.Chicago@ed.政府网站: ed.政府 / ocr.

U.S. 平等就业机会委员会
电话: 1-800-669-4000,传真:612-335-4044,TTY: 1-800-669-6820网站: www.平等就业机会委员会.政府.

教育修正案第九条是由美国国会通过的.S. 1972年6月23日, 并于1972年7月1日签署成为法律. 这是一项联邦民权法,禁止 教育项目和活动中的性别歧视,例如:

  • 招生
  • 房屋及设施
  • 课程及其他教育活动
  • 职业指导和咨询活动
  • 金融援助
  • 健康和保险福利
  • 校际、校际、俱乐部或校内体育运动

The 第九条 Coordinator is responsible for 的 development, implementation, and monitoring of meaningful efforts to comply with 第九条 legislation, regulation, and case law. The 第九条 Coordinator monitors DSU policy in relation to 第九条 law developments. They also implement grievance procedures including notification, investigation, and 投诉的处理. 他们提供教育材料和培训 campus community and conduct and/or coordinate investigations of complaints received 根据第九条. 它们还确保各方都能享有公平和中立的程序 并监督学校遵守教育法第九条的所有其他方面.

Those with questions, concerns, or a complaint related to 第九条 may contact DSU’s 第九条协调员,博士. 凯瑟琳·盖森,赌球网站291校区 新界58601号迪金森街梅厅226室 701-502-2081, dsu.titleix@maukaimakai.com.

Congress passed 的 Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA 1994) as part of 的 1994年暴力犯罪控制和执法法案. 这是一种认可 of 的 severity of 的 crimes associated with domestic violence, sexual assault, and 跟踪. The protections and provisions afforded by 的 1994 legislation were expanded and improved in 的 Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (VAWA 2000) and 的 Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005). 


旁观者干预 is a philosophy and approach for prevention of various types of violence, which could include bullying, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and 亲密伴侣暴力. 

旁观者干预 is a different approach to sexual assault prevention because 它不鼓励责备受害者. 这提供了一个改变社会规则和转变的机会 对所有人负责. 

赌球网站提供旁观者干预培训. 我们鼓励大家 campus community members to be actively involved in identifying, intervening in, and 报道暴力事件. 



DSU is committed to equal opportunity in employment decisions, educational programs, and activities in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws, including 平权行动的努力. DSU不因年龄、宗教或信仰而歧视, national origin, marital status, race or ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status in its admissions, employment practices, education programs, housing, 餐饮服务或其他相关活动.

Questions about 的 educational opportunities or equal employment policies of this institution should be directed to DSU's 平权法案官员Krissy Kilwein, 迪金森州立大学, 291校园路,五月大厅,309室,狄金森,ND 58601, 701-502-4304, dsu.affirmativeaction@maukaimakai.com

Applicants to and employees of most private employers, state and local 政府ernments, educational institutions, employment agencies, and labor organizations are protected 根据联邦法律不受歧视. 点击这里了解更多信息:




The 多元文化委员会 (MCC) is a group of employees who work within 的 DSU 社区创造一个文化多元化和欢迎的校园. 我们以学生为中心 活动的目的是挑战隐藏的偏见,打破障碍. 这让所有学生 an opportunity to share 的ir culture and values and to make long-lasting connections 与同事相处.

请联系MCC委员会成员或 国际项目协调员 & 多元文化事务 了解更多信息.


多元文化委员会赞助了全球表格系列. 全局表提升 cross-cultural understanding and creates multicultural awareness on campus. 任何人 coming from a unique country, religion, or background is invited to share 的ir culture 和洞察力. 这些每月一次的午间谈话在The Hub举行. 如果你愿意 如欲出席全球会议,请联络 MCC委员会成员或 国际项目协调员 & 多元文化事务.


勇敢的谈话 is an event in which 的 campus engages in discussion related 多样性的. 我们的目标是为所有人创造一个安全和温馨的空间. This is regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, national origin, 年龄、宗教、社会经济地位、政治观点或能力. 该活动鼓励 respectful dialogue by exploring misunderstandings about diversity and sharing stories 产生积极的社会变革. 请联系 国际项目协调员 & 多元文化事务 了解更多信息. 

All new and current DSU employees must complete mandatory harassment training annually. 学生雇员(i).e.(勤工俭学的雇员)不必完成年度 骚扰培训计划.

DSU的联系 平权行动官员 请帮助我完成这次培训.





性行为不端(标题IX)调查类 (3.29.21-4.1.21)

  • DSU Participants: VP/Provost, Director of Special Projects, Director of 全球赌球网站排名/Title IX Coordinator, Director of HR, HR Payroll Manager, Nursing Department Professor, 大学关系副总裁,翱翔中心主任

第九条性行为不端的决策者阶层 (4.22.21-4.23.21)

  • 第九条协调员出席

第九章协调员和调查员培训课程 (10.4.21-10.8.21)

  • 第九条协调员出席

第九条体育运动 (2.15.22-2.16.22)

  • 第九条协调员出席

第九章调查写作 (6.22.22)

  • 第九条协调员出席

第九章非正式决议的基础 (5.2.23-5.3.23)

  • 第九条协调员出席

第九条办公室的作用和责任 (10.25.23)

  • DSU Participants: Vice President, Provost, 第九条 Coordinator, 应急管理 Coordinator, Director of Human Resources, Director of Campus Life, Dean of Students, 翱翔中心主任